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How to Get Crafty With Your Dog

Art with your dog


Spending a lazy Sunday afternoon doing some painting, scrapbooking, or colouring is often exactly the type of activity we need! It can be stimulating, relaxing and rewarding, as you get to appreciate your creation! Although this activity is fun to do with fellow humans, it would be nice to involve our needy pooches who might feel left out of the fun and games! Here are 3 ideas to let the creative juices flow with your very own Vincent Van Dogue. 


Pet Paw Print 🐾

This one is a classic, for good reason! It makes a beautiful ornament for your Christmas tree, or a nice keepsake you’ll treasure forever. You can get a kit, or purchase some air-dry clay, which will make this project quick, easy and relatively mess-free! Roll out the clay disc to the desired size, get your pet’s paw (make sure it’s clean!) and gently but firmly press it into the clay. This may take a few tries to get right, and plenty of treats! Be patient, and remember to have fun with it! If you’re looking for a few extra tips, check out this step by step guide here


Watercolour Paws 🎨

Get ready for a bit of a messy but oh so fun art project with your dog. Get a big piece of white paper or cardstock and the idea here is to let your dog become Paw-casso. The more abstract, the better! Dip their paws in the water, let them walk around the blank canvas, and then using your paintbrushes, add dabs of watercolour paint to the paw prints. And there you have it, an abstract and colourful new piece of art to hang up! Check out this tutorial here for some inspiration. 


Dog Scrapbook 🐶

This is a great activity to get the whole family involved in while upcycling old magazines or newspapers and creating a sentimental keepsake. Before you start your scrapbook, gather photos of your dog from when they were a puppy until now and print them out. Have your kids go through the magazines and find any images relating to animals, art, or nature, the sky’s the limit! Help them cut out the pictures and start glueing and arranging them along with your pup’s photos in your scrapbook, adding in stickers, glitter or whatever speaks to you! Write funny anecdotes next to your dog’s photos, add paw prints, ages, and dates, so you can remember all the good times. This project can be a work in progress that you keep adding to as the years go by! 



Cool dog


Do you have other art projects you like to include your dog in? Let us know in the comments!

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